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  ①a. Do you know how to serve the guests?(侍候)

  b. Do you know how to service this type of machine?(维修)

  ②a. Who empowered him to announce the news?(授权)

  b. How to power this dissused machine?(为……提供动力)

  ③a. NUS is situated on a ridge.(位于)

  b. Where are they going to site the new factory? (定…… 的地点)

  ④a. Before he departed, he packed the clothes and other belongings into his trunk.(装进;包好)

  b. You should know how to package the goods to attract more customers.(包装)



  ● There is no guarantee against crimes unless every flat and house can be properly policed.(警备)

  ● The criminal elements would factor into their chances of getting away quickly.(把……因素考虑在内)

  ● The shelling targeted the rival's headquarters.(把……作为目标)

  ● Later, Tom journeyed to Happy Valley where he placed a few bets on some horses.(旅行)

  ● It was the big powers which brokered the Paris Peace Talks.(安排……的细节)

  ● Jason has authored more than a dozen of books on English language learning.(著述)

  ● Can parents pressure their children into learning something they are not interested in ?(迫使、强迫……做)

  ● Gary's coat is patterned on a French model.(仿照)

  ● The couple have husbanded their resources successfully.(节俭地使用)

  ● The Browns papered their bedroom instead of painting it. (用纸糊上)

  ● To protect the machine from rust, you must oil it regularly.(加滑润油)

  ● It is a good idea to position your new office near the town centre.(设立于)

  ● The wine is bottled at the vineyard.(装于瓶内)

  ● Can you loan us your valuable paintings for the art exhibition?(借出)

  ● Roadside hawkers carted away all the unsold goods.(用车运去)

  ● Susan is sandwiched between two strangers.(挤在)

  ● The newly set up language centre is manned by linguists of high calibre.(操作)

  ● Where are you going to house the computerised lab?(安置)


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